Monday, June 7, 2010

Attraction & Health

Why Women Don't Want Macho Men

This article discusses the how role of health environment affects a woman's choice of men. In countries with poor health, women preferred more masculine men. Countries with good health preferred men that were of weak masculinity. This is because men that are more masculine are associated with more testosterone. In evolutionary terms this means the man is healthy and will pass on good genes. In a country that has poor health, this is important for a woman if she wants her offspring to survive. In a country of good health, good genes from the male is not as important since there is good environment and medical attention if necessary. This being said, women in countries with greater health place more emphasis on the affect that they believe testosterone has on males, which is that they are more likely to cheat, uncooperative, aggressive, bad parenting, and unsympathetic. This is why they prefer a partner that has less masculinity.


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